Vendor’s Application Name Your Email address Your Phone Number Your Business Name Items to be displayed or sold I have necessary permits to sell in FresnoI am with a Direct Sales company: Avon Tupperware Paparazzi etc..Informational Booth I will hand out information onlyI would like to Volunteer Are you a food vendor Yes I am able to fill out Fresno County Health Dept. formsI sell Prepackaged food, I have a cottage food license or prepare in a commissary kitchen.I am not a food vendor Please readI understand that my application is subject to the approval of Hottemp Events. Submitting this form does not guarantee a space. Please do not apply as a vendor if your items violate copyright or trademark laws, or if they pertain to drugs, alcohol, or drug paraphernalia. We may duplicate handmade and food vendors at our discretion. If accepted, you will receive an email with a vendor login. Comments (optional) [recaptcha]